Thursday, February 19, 2015

DIY- a-day: a search for a meaningful life

Sorry for the long silence, reader. Apparently, this  brutal Ohio winter has numbed both my brain, and typing skills.
Lately, I have felt like I am not the most contributing member of society. Or, let me rephrase that, I have felt that I am not contributing to my corner of the world. I know it may sound harsh, or self deprecating, but pragmatism while being one of my strongest qualities (at least in job interviews) will also be my downfall one day.

 Inspired by a dear friend and amazing artist, I recently started a new project in which I create something tangible every day. Let's get one thing straight, I am no talented artist, so I went a different route and decided to crochet one piece every night after work. Who knew that crocheting a pair of hand warmers could bring on the best sleep I have had in months?

It all started with a sense of restlessness mixed with a bad case of winter blues. My typical evening consists of changing to one of my many pairs of grey sweatpants, making up a plate of food (almost always including Black bean and quinoa chips from Trader Joes), and numb my brain with reruns on Netflix. Not a bad evening, if you ask me; the only problem is when it happened every.single.night.

I am learning a lot about myself through this seemingly simple project. I am realizing for instance, that I have a tendency to get ahead of myself too quickly. I have not touched a crochet hook in months, if not a couple of years, and after a successful first project, I decided to tackle a really difficult one, you know, just because. I failed miserably! I am not still not sure what I was trying to create, apparently a shrinking hat... Bless my poor little heart, I kept trying, but got nowhere. So, I gave up for that day and watched TV instead.
The thing is, just like in life, you can rarely tell what you are about to face or tackle, until you are in the middle of it. When it comes down to it, you can chose to stop and start over to try to do it right;  you can go on and create a messy, yet beautiful piece, or give up altogether. In a last stubborn effort, I picked up my crochet hook again, and used the same pattern to create a different piece this time, "Law and order" be damned!

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