Saturday, August 24, 2013

Slow and steady- Part 2

I have always loved listening to tales, myths and other stories. On Sunday evenings, my father would roast peanuts on a small charcoal burning stove, while my siblings and I gathered around and listened to him tell stories. He would tell different stories every time, some from his childhood, some ghost stories, but my favorite ones were a West African version of Aesop's fables.

"The tortoise and the hare", while not being my favorite fable/parable, is the one I usually identify to the most... In case you do not know much about it, here is a simplified version: the tortoise challenges the hare to a race, and the hare is so confident in his speed and ability to win that, he accepts and even gives the tortoise a good head start (which the tortoise declines). Depending on the region you live in, the version is different, but the tortoise always wins in the end: through either trickery, gimmick, or cheating. I like to think that the tortoise won because she knew how to pace herself to get to the finish line. She knew that we all eventually get to the same destination and kept going one step at a time... slow and steady.

Growing up, I have always been a hare, running everywhere, trying to win some invisible race no matter what the cost. I remember having to stop at a traffic light one day, and a neighbor asking me "Where are you running to? You are always running..." I took after as soon as the light turned green, but those words have been in the back of  my mind ever since. 

It has taken me a while to learn to take slowly. In fact, I don't think I really had a choice in the matter: everything in my life suddenly slowed down through a series of peculiar (yet timely) circumstances. Of course, my first (second, third and...) reaction was to try to make things happen and move at a pace that I believed  would be acceptable. It wasn't until I realized that I was in fact enjoying the ride, that things finally turned around. Steadiness and quiet determination finally took over, and my need to run slowly but surely subsided. 

I have to say, I quite enjoy this new pace. I may not reach the finish line as quickly, or as gracefully as I picture it in my head, but I will make it... in time...

Here is to the meantime!


Monday, August 19, 2013

Slow and steady- Part 1

If I had to describe myself in 10 words or less, these two words would definitely make the top 5: slow and steady... I am pretty sure the song below captured the essence for what it means to be slow and steady.

Part 2 COMING SOON IN A BLOG NEAR YOU. In the meantime, enjoy...


Thursday, August 15, 2013


Dear reader,

If you happen to know me in real life, you may have noticed that I like to smile... quite a lot! I don't laugh very often or often enough, but i do like to smile. Although, I will let you in on a little secret: if I smile and you can barely see my teeth, it really means that I am having a rather bad day. If you do happen to catch me on one of those days, come up with a joke or something and try to make me laugh. Thanks in advance!

OK, where was I?

A smile to me is the most beautiful introduction to someone's soul. I love being at my favorite store, restaurant, or even running path knowing that I will see familiar faces smiling at me. I did not use to smile a lot as a kid, as evidenced in the picture below (brought to you by my de-cluttering frenzy). I always looked serious... Not only that, but I also have this "thing" I involuntarily do with my eyebrows. It almost looks like I am frowning or pouting if caught off guard, when in fact, I am mostly just lost in deep thought.  A great example is the picture below... I wonder what I am thinking about....Hmmm. I actually look quite disturbed by something, angry almost. Wow!

Keep smiling my friends!


Thursday, August 8, 2013


Sorry for the long silence, dear reader...

It has been quite a few frantic weeks, filled with lots and lots of clutter. My apartment has been cluttered, my desk at work has been cluttered, my brain has been cluttered... well, you get the point.

I am not sure how I let it get to this point. The past few months have been about trying to find the delicate balance between over categorizing every aspect of my life, and the slow stacking of events, situations and papers across my desk. When everything finally has a set place and there is nothing to put away, I feel this elusive sense of peace and relief, which often quickly fades away once I realize that I forgot to file an important document. I wonder if the delicate balance really represents happiness... I wonder if my life would be much simpler if I could somehow keep the delicate balance intact for more than a few months. 

Too many questions to think about.  A couple nights ago, I started decluttering my apartment one area at a time, one evening at a time. An evening in my closet reminded me of the long way I have come, an evening in my pantry made realize that I really do not like canned beans, an evening in my desk drawer brought back random childhood memories of me dancing around in my bedroom (which I still do to this day!).  And finally tonight, trying to think about what to declutter, I decided to try tackling my brain and write down all the thoughts, fears, uncertainties that have taken over lately. It felt really good. I think I found the sweet spot... for a brief moment at least! Wait a minute... I have been here before. Except this time, I am taking notes, categorizing each... never mind...

Maybe one day, I will learn... In the meantime, maybe some hot tea will help.

Good night, reader