Growing up, I was convinced that the word stagnant was synonymous with death. Any health science instructor in a sub Saharan Africa can attest to that: "Always fear stagnant waters: they are a powerful health hazard". Stagnant waters are magnets for mosquitoes, which carry malaria, and potential death. I would know I have caught it twice.
I can still hear my 8th grade geology teacher telling us in class: "beware of stagnant waters". In the cold Ohio winter, stagnant waters can hide slippery ice and you may end up falling and hurting yourself (and your pride) if you don't pay attention.
I have been stagnant in some areas of my life for quite some time now. There are many reasons for this, I suppose. The most obvious one being fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, fear of success.... I often tend to hesitate on the third step of the journey. The first ones are always exciting, new and full of hope. The more I keep on though, I start talking myself out of my any decisions I have made. Some people call it being cautious, other being indecisive. Your pick...
Don't get me wrong, I love to rest and be still. After I got home from work yesterday, I spent 96% of my time in my pajamas. It would have been a full 100% if I did not mind shoveling snow in them. I think what happens to me is that I start getting too comfortable in stagnant waters, and decide to hang out longer than I need to. Someone should invent a "stagnant water" test that would send you reminders, when it is time to move on.
I like to dream of what my life would be like it I were not so afraid of disturbing stagnant waters. Maybe I need to stop dreaming and get to it. I am getting tired of being stagnant.
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