Monday, July 13, 2015

Finished product

I love listening to podcasts. I used to make fun of my friend Annie, who used to start most of her sentences with: "I heard on this podcast...". And, here I am...

I try not to find meaning in series of trivial circumstances, but lately, almost every podcasts I have listened to center around the theme of moving forward. Don't get me wrong, life has been good lately. I have healthy relationships with amazing friends, I have found creative outlets that keep my soul fed. Yet, when I stop for a breath, I wonder if I have even walked a single step. I can't tell if I am walking in circles by accident or purpose, or if I am just missing perspective.

Earlier this evening, I went for a walk in our of my favorite parks. I have walked there many times, but it was the first time I had been back in almost six months. It had rained earlier in the day, but for some reason, I decided that I did not need to change from the sandals I was wearing from my run to the grocery store. As I tried hard to avoid puddles and slippery areas, I stumbled upon a grassy trail. I cannot remember if I'd noticed it before, but it was the most welcome sight and I spent the most amazing hour "discovering" this new path that had been there all along. I got to see the most beautiful sunset over a field of wild flowers, and runaway rabbits, and I felt peace for the first time in weeks.

Perspective often takes the form of forgotten details, and hidden trails. The next time I feel like I am running around in circles, I will take the time to look around for the unseen in my daily life, on a hike or in others.
