Saturday, September 21, 2013

27+ 5 = Blessed

This is a follow up to a self indulgent post I wrote five years ago called "27".  Go ahead, click on the link and read it. It is really short, I promise! I will still be here sipping on  my coffee when you get back...

Done? Good! It just felt right to write an update, and remind myself of what has happened over the past 5 years. I am officially 32 today, and I am pretty sure that still counts as "early thirties", so I won't sweat the number. And now to the actual post:

Experiences? YES! I  would not  know where to start or end, but it has been quite the interesting journey. 

Hurts? YES. Healing? YES! I realized at some point, that life was about perspective and how I chose to look at different situations. I decided to finally leave the past behind, and march ahead.

Single? YES. Dating is hard for introverts, what can I say??? 

Still want to see the Grand Canyon? YES. When? I made it out there 1 year or 2 after writing this post, and it was even more beautiful than I imagined!

Stronger? YES! 

Feeling incredibly blessed,


Monday, September 16, 2013

The song

A few months ago, I read a fun, quick book by Neil Gaiman called "The Anansi Boys". It is a great entertaining gem, a sort of fairy tales for adults; and by now you know my penchant for tales. The main character, Fat Charlie Nancy, struggles throughout the book to find "his song". We learn very early that he is a talented (but painfully self aware) singer, with a boring, predictable life. Throughout his journey from England, to Florida, and the Caribbeans, he finally finds his voice, his song, his purpose. Well, to call it his purpose would be too restrictive really...

I have known for a very long time, that we all have a song or two we carry in our hearts. I like to think that my song shines through everything I say and do. I would not call quite call myself an artist, but I am very touched by people who can express their songs through tangible objects of art. That is why I love art in many forms. Painters, potters, singers, drummers, writers, lawyers, mothers, wives, they all have something in common that may not look obvious to the naked eye. They all sing their songs in unison. 

In case you are curious, I believe my song is soft spoken and gentle. It booms at the most unexpected moments, but only to signal a change in the beat. It often surprises, and gets the "I didn't know you could do this" comment. My song commands and even dictates spontaneous and erratic dancing! It gets you off your chair and on your feet in a effort to keep up with its beat. I am still working on more verses, but I have a feeling they will write themselves quite easily...

My favorite part of singing my song, is knowing that I am a minuscule part of the story. Knowing that each one of you also gets to sing their song, as quietly or as loud as they can. Knowing that we get to sing together, even though we are separated by oceans (Hello Emi-chan!!!). My favorite parts of "The Anansi boys" were hearing other characters' sharing their songs with the reader. 

Some songs are shorter than others, some are complex, but once you find it, you cannot help but sing it. So, sing it loud, friends!


Friday, September 6, 2013

My friend Annie

My friend Annie told me today that she is moving. Sure, she is only moving an hour and fifteen minutes away, but five minutes feel like an eternity when all I have to do is turn my chair around whenever I want to share a moment with her. I was trying hard not to cry when she made the announcement, but it was really hard to hold back the tears.

Annie is a friend, a sister, a mother figure, and an inspiration to me. I look at her, and I know that the work day will just be a-OK as long as we have each other. She believes in me, and tells me that I am up to great things... She makes me believe in myself, even at times when it is hard to think through the day. She sometimes has to give me a kick in the behind when I am too hard on myself, and I love her even more on those days. Not many people can be truthful when faced with difficult decisions, but she always says it like it is. 

She likes to ask me rhetorical questions I have no answer to, which used to drive me nuts, but now make me smile. She calls me "Jerk" , because deep down she really loves me. She makes me pull pranks on people, and I proudly call myself her minion. She makes me laugh with her sometimes unintended jokes. 

I am not quite sure what I will do once she leaves town... To be honest, I am not sure I am ready to think about it, so maybe I won't, at least for now...